Some weeks ago I attended to one of the most important festivals about comics in the world, the festival of Angoulême, a beautiful city close to Bourdeaux. I went with some friends from the Basque Country, which with I share the same passion. If I remember right I introduced them in a previous post. In fact we are starting a new blog where we will show our future meetings (you can find it at We also met some other friends at the festival who were trying to sell their work to the attending editors and publishers. I have plenty of pictures to show so I won't bore you with more speech.

Of course, I took my harmonica with me and played it all the time. I think my friends must hate me for that! Anyway, that was a nice shot, wasn't it?

These are two sketches that we did on a restaurant. I made a portrait that resembles Richard Stallman, the father of the Software Libre movement, because I saw him (or at least it was someone very similar) when we first arrived at the city. The other sketch was drawn by Alberto Muriel and it is based after a character called Lone Wolf, by Kazuo Koike.

We used to do draw-sessions in every local we visited. No matter if we were having dinner or lunch, we had the need to draw!

Vanesa printed these two pictures for us in a nearby shop. The first one was taken in a moment were we were chilling out and laughing a lot.

Mikel (alias "MAWEE"), Ruben and "Faerika" were trying to show their work to the publishers and get their feedback.

Vanesa, with Martini-like sunglasses, Alberto, watching the French women passing by hehe and Yvon, working hard!.

There was a stand were proffesionals gave some talks and classes. It was very nice because the table was proyected into a screen so you could see them drawing.

This is one of the drawings I did in a restaurant.

One night we ended up having dinner in a Japanese restaurant (they didnt understand Japanese nor Mandarin though, only French, damn! haha). We had a good time there, especially when Yvon accepted a bet that I did, so he would have to eat a big portion of Wasabi in one shot. Since then, we call him "Hulk"! (Wasabi is a green and strong substance that Japanese people put in raw fish or sushi for example)

After having dinner at this italian restaurant we had a nice draw-session again.

Zalduna drawing a Colosus for Castelló, another friend that wasn't able to come.

As a conclusion I would say that It was a very well organised event and we enjoyed it a lot. So, I think it was worth the effort when we the window of Yvon's car got broken and we had to do all the journey back home with the window open (it was freezing!! haha).
I agree with you, I already had a good time. Next year I promise I´ll go back.
Wow, man!
That´s a great blog!
I am a brazilian cartoonist, have been at Lambiek in Amsterdan, making a sigining session.
And I also play harmonica!
We have too many coincident wishes!
Best regards from Brazil
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