After that, I went with Tokujun to his class where a I had the opportunity to give a short talk in Japanese about Spain and the Spanish to first year students and also a group of second year students. It was a very interesting experience for me and I hope they liked it. Then, the group of second year students and I went to talk for a little bit and eat in the canteen of the University. They were very nice and I enjoyed a lot the time I could be talking with them.
After that class, I chatted with another student (3rd year student) who was going to come to Alicante (Spain) very soon and Ayano, one of the second year students, who is willing to come to Sevilla. We exchanged mails and maybe we have the chance to meet in a near future.
I left them and went back to Nagoya because I had to move my luggage from the Ryokan to the hotel where I had made a reservation for the second night in Nagoya. It was very close to the main JR Station and I had no problem finding
it thanks to my GPS. I left there my lugagge, changed clothes and took the metro back to meet Yuki, Tsuyoshi, and ... sorry I forgot the names!, with which I was about to have a lot of fun singing in a karaoke!!.
The karaoke local was amazing, full of lights and sounds. You go there, rent a room for two hours or so, buy something to drink (I had a strawberry ("ichigo") milkshake) and SING!! I had a lot of fun and I am very grateful to them. I sang "Camisa Negra" (Juanes), "La Tortura" (Shakira), "Thriller" (Michael Jackson) and three beatle songs: "Golden Slumbers", "Don't Let me Down" and "Girl". They sang some anime songs like "Drago Ball" and "Evangelion" opening songs, a very funny song that was always saying "Carli, Carlitos", Yuki sang "Underneath your clothes" (Shakira)... Real fun! I ended up with throat ache but It really paid to.
Then we had to say goodbye to each other and I was a bit sad. I share the way back to the hotel with Yuki because she had to take a train from Nagoya's main station, which was near my hotel. She was a really nice person and I could know her better because she spoke English thanks to a stay in Australia (she called herself australian!;D). We had a wonderful dinner at the train station and then, sadly we had to say goodbye again.
One of the good things of this trip was that I met a lot of people from everywhere and every kind. But also, one of the worst things was that they just passed by my life and said goodbye, and that was a bit sad. I hope I can keep in touch with some of them by mail (although I know it's quite difficult) and maybe meet up again someday. So, see you later Nagoya!
1 comment:
Dani, que no nos das tiempo a leerlo todo. A ver si el fin de semana me pongo al dia.
¿qué pensaban por ahí de la camiseta de superman? :P
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