In the picture above you can see the following devices:
- Batteries with a recharger device.
- Headphones with a special gadget to plug another set of headphones to share your music with someone.
- PSP Playstation
- Some memory sticks
- Small tripod with flexible legs
- Torch without batteries (you charge it with a handle)
- My watch (present from my lab mates) with altimeter and compass
- Spanish phone (Nokia - Movistar)
- A whistel-thermometer-compass-magnifying glass key ring.
- A mountain GPS
- A graphic tablet to draw on the computer
- My Dell laptop
- A CASIO electronic dictionary (spanish-english-japanese-encyclopedic)
- My Japanese cell phone (Samsung - Softbank)
- A 320GB external USB drive
- A 3G e-mobile communications USB device. I have Internet anywhere anytime thanks to this device for 6500 yen/month.
- An Asus eepc netbook that costed me 100yens (less than 1 euro) :D because it was an offer for the mobile internet.
Another interesting device is the rice cooker (炊飯器 suihanki) which is very popular in Asian countries to prepare the rice. Virtually every Asian person I know has a rice cooker. It is very simple to use, just put water and rice (you use the measuring glass to use the right proportions), close it, press a button and wait for 40 minutes.
Last but not least, my super foldable bike! It is really useful to have a bike here and I use it everyday. I chose to have a foldable bike because normal bikes are not allowed in trains or subway. But I can fold my bike, put it into a bag I have, and carry it as luggage in any means of transport! So I can go to Kyoto for example, take my bike in the train, and then unfold it there again! The brand of the bike is Hummer and it costed me around 22000 yen.